There is some miss spelling, if you know how to spell is please feel free to tell me. I cant spell to save my life, and my spell check is being funny.
chapter one
My name is Sora, named after one of my family, I was born the day the doors opened. So my birthday goes unnoticed, which is fine with me. I never have understood birthday calibrations, its only the passing of another year. Besides age is nothing but a number, its what is in your hart and mind. you can be 45 and still be just like a child. How you carry your self, the way you think, the path in life you choose, every thing you say and do, We are our actions not our age. Like my dear uncle Rasputin, he throws fits like a child. This year I tern 19, no mater what happens I know that then I have a job to do. Take my fathers place and lead our kind into battle for the future of all. Most start there training when finished with school, but my uncle has kept me away from it all 'for the memory of my father' he keeps saying. So when I take over I'll only have a short time to train with the others. None of them think I can do the job, mainly because
I've never trained with them. What not a signal one of them knows is, I have a special place no one else knows about, my very own oasis I spend all my spare time in.
This week is the festival that is thrown every year in celebration of the day the door opened, the day our 1000 year imprisonment underground ended. Let me explain how we got here, how the human race ran deep in the earth from our own mistakes, from the destruction we knew we would do. How human kind changed on the genetic level, and why we now have yet another war coming. Can human kind live without war or violence? Will we ever find peace and happiness, or one day destroy everyone and everything on this planet. We almost did over 1000 years ago, why not again. I intend to make shore it never happens.
You see in 2009 some very wealthy people in congress and the white house got
together and decided a nuclear war was coming, and that they would be the first to strike. The us army struck the first blow 9-11-12, an anniversary of a terrorist strick against the US. The first nuclear bomb lonched only 13 days later. It was only a mater of time with the way the world was going. Gready government types taking all they can while homeless people fight for food, sleep in boxes and die from simple sickness. Fat slobs watching this thing called television stuffing there faces with who knows what, men beating there wives, children dieing in the streets. That is the world we left behind, the world that destroyed its self.
With the help of engineers and scientists they built massive underground cities.
Every city had a main square with shops, restaurants, game stores, playgrounds and a park with trees, flowers and a pond. we could grow trees and flowers and food because we have artificial sunlight. We have a public library stocked with thousands of books, I spend a lot of time there. Off from that in equal rooms like the square are ample lodging not only for the people locked away, but for the ones to be born. The doors closed early in 20012, months before the war began.
Out from the main square are more rooms for our work arias. Like farming fruits and vegetables in one, farming animals in another, the farming rooms connected with an open corridor, but all sections are in one way or another.
science labs and testing facilities, thanks to them when ever a mine worker opens up some old long dormant sickness its them that saves us all from a horrible death. genetic manipulation to keep the cattle healthy, it was a lot like that story about the guy with two of every animal on a boat. Until the door opened the scientists had little to do but pass the skills on to next so testing the surface when the time came would be posible, and the little bit here and there to keep us all going.
There is public health care from prenatal doctors to burial preparations. we are healthier then our ancestors that lived on the surface before us, back to basics has not only lowered birth defects but we live longer as well. Health care isn't what it was before the world ended. Things I've read about like brain and hart surgery can't be done any more. Some people die because we no longer have the technology to find out whats wrong led alone save them. The trade off is we don't ingest all the chemicals people used to, we don't even use pesticides, so there are less health problems to start with.
Of course city hall where the many "great" leaders of our fine city fight over stupid topics and ignore the real problems, from what I've found in the library that's one thing that has remained the same even after all this time. I onistly don't think our government is any better now compared to then. We still have upper, middle, and lower classes where the rich help the rich and kick down the pore. I guess some things will never change, well unless we get rid of the unchangeable. Its the rule of nature adapt or die.
The processing of skins, fabrics, and food etc. work shops for the store owners to produce there wheres, things that are important for every day life. The shops are passed in families, in the event there is no family left the store can be passed down to a friend of the family. Also can go to the person with the most to spend. Keeping the upper class in comfort, isn't that the way it go's.
The school going from age 3 to 16, all year round with few brakes. fields for exercise and playground for the younger kids. At 16 you take the test that will rule your life, that is if your not lucky enough to be borne into a family with a store or other inherited position. I never took the test, my job is to run helix. The city thinks I moved , the exit from helix is far enough from the main door to the city to hide it from them. We also have our own helix school. The children come after there normal classes to attend history on helix and training. After 16 its made to look like they have moved, then begins the serious training.
There is mining of all kinds of stones to make jewelery. Not much has ever bin done with mining but there are a lot of tunnels dugout. The tunnels go on and on, then stop nowhere, most are now abandoned. There are books on how to cut stone, if people weren't so scared to live on the serfice then stone homes could be built, and be safe. Only time can change that.
The plane was to pick the best of the best in each category of talents, scientists, farmers, teachers, clothing makers, the list go's on. they needed to make the colonies survive the 1000 year lock down. Without labs to make medicine and vaccines a hole city could die from disease. Without farmers to tend to crops and animals there would be no food. Without teachers how could they learn about there past and shape the new world, maybe even not make the same mistakes our ancestors made.
they knew the amount of time was excessive, but this would not only clear the radiation, but give the earth time to heal and prosper. The earth did heal, new animals came into being, new plants, a hole new planet. It would be a better life they told every one, "with hard work and hope in our harts we will make it through the darkness to the light." these very words are carved in the base of a statue in the middle of main square. Its a large willow tree, sleeping beneath its branches is a family. Its pets a dog and cat, we still have dogs and cats but they have changed from cross breading. The children are somber, looking more dead then sleeping, unaware of there fates. The mother and father hold them tight as they gaze into each others eyes, scared and yet sad. Maybe for the uncertain life ahead, knowing they would never see the sun again. The cat is curled up on the little girls lap, her hand gently laid on the cat's back. The dog is curled up at his
masters feet, but his head is up and ears perked, he is alert waiting for something coming out of the shadows. most people love the statue "its a cymbal of hope" they would say. To me its like a grave stone, dedicated to the world they killed. I find it to be sad, a reminder of how human kind drove them selves underground and shattered the world as they new it.
The ones lucky enough to get into the underground colonies would never see the light of true day again so that there decedents could one day live in the sun once more. The rest of mankind was left above us to die, to fight for a chance to stop the destruction. As I'm shore as you know it was all in vain. It was thought that other countries with the ability to do so also built colonies deep in the earth, but we don't know for a fact. I believe they did, why wouldn't they. As humans with the instinct to survive, the looming doom of nuclear war, I'm shore they new what was coming to. Though we have yet to find out as we have only traveled out so far from home, and can't build ships yet. most people are to afraid to change there ways and greet the sunlight with an open mind. I love the sun, to me the sun is life, just as the deep earth was life for so long, together they make us who we are. I hope this time we treat our planet with the respect it deserves.
Now for helix's history. It starts long before the human race began to change at the genetic level. Even before the what we now call world war III started, but that part will have to wait, let me tell you about the first of our kind in this city. We got a lot from his diary, he wrote in it every day of his life, one for every year.
His name was John the first in our city to be born mutated, recorded in our history that at a early age he showed signs of being different. he spoke his first word at three months, walked at only five months, and played with complex puzzles by nine months. We now hide our abilities from anyone not like us, otherwise we could be persecuted for something holy out of our hands, its better people stay in the dark with whats coming.
John's parents knew he was different, his father was a scientist so he knew it would be best to keep John's powers hidden. He did every test he could to find out why his son was different. The blood test showed changes in his DNA, what this meant his father didn't know. The IQ test was off the charts, there son already smarter then them. His muscle structure wasn't the same as a normal human, looking at his they couldn't tell, but the small changes made a big difference. Running, jumping, and his movement, all of this faster, higher, and more agile then the average person. His father could only test for so much, but he knew John's ability's would only grow.
John spent all his spare time alone, his parents drilled into him the importance of hiding what he could do from everyone. Growing up he had no friends, kept to himself, even his parents had no idea what he was up to. John developed his strengths and skills in the tunnels in the southeast side of the city. bye 16 He had read every book the library held, developing his mind far beyond that of the greatest scientist of his time. John had a photographic memory, and began to hear people's thoughts even see them sometimes. His dreams became vivid, like they where real, then came true. John's strength was may times that of the average human, amazing agility moving faster then the eye can see. He new by then he was a “mutation”, and that more would have bin born having studied theories on mutation extensively. John began to seek them out and bring them together. In just under a year he found only three others like him, John's dreams lead him to them. After
that he started to have a vision of a war far into my generation. One that would change and continue till his death, he devoted his life to change the futcher. The dream recorded for our archives was this, only 19 years and 5 moths give or take after the opening of the door to the surface human kind would come under attack, a mutant from another city. who or witch city he could not tell, but the man would try to eliminate all none mutant humans and rebuild the world the way he believed it should be. Under his rule all would bow or die, After the opening of the door he would begin to amass his army, ours had to be ready first. John knew it could be stopped, had to be stopped. The four of them began to train together, develiping a training plan for the generations to come, only they couldn't go full out in the tunals. They started looking for a better place, for just them, a seacrite from the rest of the world.
finding a map during his studies deep in the lowest levels of the library, the original held by the first leader of our city passed down till it was lost. The map shown several rooms that had bin lost to our people in earthquakes in the first few years after the door was closed on the city. one room a science lab, another is what we call a earth room they would later change into a training room, the last was a housing section now used for our headquarters. After finding the rooms, creating a hidden passage to the main room and passages from that to the others, they began to rebuild them into the perfect place to train each generation till it was time to fight. All of this planed bye John, the others and pro. Hansdon, knowing that pro. Hansdon would be around through the years to continue there work, to mold the mutants to come.
Now we get to the part with professor Hansdon, he joins John's story here but has bin around much longer. You'll see what I mean.
John found research in the lab after its recovery during the early days when it was just the four of them. Pro.Hansdon worked with the UCP-Underground City Project, in retern he not only got payed, but he got a lavish apartment for his family. The professor studied evolution and mutation, on his own he researched human evolution and found that humanity was slowly changing. If as a race we continued to change, or adapted a mutation it would happen while underground. Pro. Hansdon was the one to explain without telling the hole truth that we needed to stay underground for 1000 years. Not only to give the earth time to heal from our blunderings as a child like race, but give us time to evolve. so that when we did emerge into the new world of ski, clouds, and sunshine we would have changed like the other creachers that survived the blasts. He alone was the only one to know what the futcher mite hold. After the doors closed he continued to study, taking blood
random samples looking for any change. Writing down every detail in large notebooks he began to find patterns in the genetic code, something dormant but still there waiting to be activated. He knew new and exiting mutations would happen, but he wouldn't be around to see them, see his work fulfilled. He decided to seal himself in his lab, there he could finish his work and maybe find a way to live forever.
The lab contained its own small library of books carefully chosen by pro. Hamsdon, all needed for his and our research, he knew the main library for the city wouldn't include most of the books he broght. A second library of his favorite reading material in every shonra, the smaller library in his studie. The lab was decked out with all the highest tech developed at the time. his own personal computer built bye him self was connected to 6 smaller ones that it controlled as well. John and the others had no idea for a long time that pro. Hamsdon had used his last days to create a machine to transfer his brain waves to the main computer. terns out he could not bare to see his work unfinished, so instead opted to become the most advanced computer ever built. so he waited and continued his research till the day he would be found.
When John, an the other three, silly me I havent told you there names yet. Rif, the first john found, Sora and Sira the twins, all entered the lab with John. pro. Hamsdon turned on the lights but did not let them know he was there. he had to be shore of who they where, of there intentions. Eventually he made him self known, after John had read all his journals and notes, deciding to use the lab, none of witch took long. Bye then pro. Hamsdon new that the teens could be trusted, and that they all where new humans as he likes to call us. I think I like that term better then mutant.
Pro. Hansdon is still with us helping to guide us as we prepare to battle. He has bin working with us seance the day he mad his self known to John. Together pro. Hamsdon and John worked out the time line of his dreams, how the mutant jean would pass from one generation to the next. Each generation stronger then the one before it, training to develop there physical skills and mental. The stronger they became, the stronger there children could be. He noticed the four friends shared a big physical characteristic, black hair and green eyes, he didn't know what it meant then.
we all have a basic work out that changes as you move up in level. This works on the attributes that we all share. Enhanced strength, senses, agility, and brain function. Our ability to proses information gives us an incredible link between thought and action, at times to quick to see. we can survey every thing around us in the blink of an eye, then make our move with perfection and grace. we can here, see, smell, taste and feel many times that of a normal human. Our strength matches our personal power level, our abilities growing as we do. Then every one has a work out plan made bye pro. Hamsdom to work on there unique talents, these passed down in families.
As a descendant of John and Sira I have several talents. Visions so vivied they seem real and a high IQ, the ability to create and control fire, I use the flow of energy in all living things like Sira, more advanced senses then any one else from who I don't know. I see things differently when I want to, its colors and smells, little details no one else would see. These many abilities are passed down from one generation to the next, mixing and matching. Very rarely dose a new ability pop up.
We still go to school and work to keep up appearances. Every one had permanent housing ( assigned at age 16, and given a bigger home at time of marriage). But in the 19 years seance we gained access to the outside world and other colonies things a lot has changed, we trade or pay for everything now even housing. So now our headquarters is also home for any member that needs it or currently being instructed, most single members have room mates. You could say life has evolved seance the doors opened. I have my own place, it was my fathers second home, where he did his work and went to think. I feel closer to him there, his favorite chair still stands in the corner of my room, his room. I feel like in some way he is there with me, and if I would just speak out loud to him he would speak back to me.
With the opening of the doors people have left for other colonies and others have come here. we have managed to track down and bring together 50 advanced humans, the very strongest of our kind all under one “roof”. Other facilities like ours had bin developed buy people like John and the other three, just without pro. Hamsdon. Not one of them as good as our own, we had to test our people to pick the ones we would tke on for training. The ones true of hart, wanting nothing but good for all mutant and human alike, and willing to fight for that dream. There are mutants out there that are pure evil, and are or will be led bye the man that aims to control all. He has yet to be seen, but he will clime out of the shadows soon enough, when he dose I'll be there.
As a pure line my family is powerful, that's why we are the leaders of helix. This doesn't make us any better just stronger. That is why on my 19th birthday I will take my fathers place, currently held by my uncle Rasputin. He uses the position to suite his own wants and needs, in truth there just all wants. he does not care or believe a war is coming, he has not prepared helix at all. I will change that, I will get helix back on track for war, and my uncle will know my rath.
So now you know the short version of how humanity got to this point, how helix formed, and what is to come. my birthday is tomorrow, and 5 months from that the face of the enemy will show him self. Signs of the war have began, and we have only a veg seance of the pending dangers, we have to be ready. My uncle will not stop me, no one can stop me.
I started my blog to go along with the book I am writing. I am an artist, so even though my blog is mostly about my book it is also about the writing process, and other forms of art. My book is called Helix-war of 3031, this may or may not change as I am still in the beginning stages of writing. I want to know what other people think. Feel free to sagest other topics you would like to hear about and talk about. Wont you join me on my literary addventure!
A short poem I would like to share.
You look at me that way with disgust and disdain I'm pierced and tattooed I must be insane But who are you to judge when you kneel down and pray just because our beliefs are not the same we are not so different you and I for we are all the same when we die
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
What is Helix about
This is my first attempt at a blog, and at writing a book.
My book Helix-War of 3031 is in the beginning stage, wont you come on a literary journey with me?
My book Helix-War of 3031 is in the beginning stage, wont you come on a literary journey with me?
My heroine Sora. All she wants is to run Helix in a way that would make her father proud, and be ready when the war comes. She has to save humanity, and the advanced humans she calls her people. Her father was a strong, wise, and loving man to say the least. Her uncle murdered him in front of her without knowing, her mother killed her self after that, leaving her uncle to care for her. She wants to kill her uncle for what he did, but he is the last living family she has left. A prophecy seen bye one of the first generation of advanced humans, one of there own kind will rise up with an army to destroy all humans and devastate the world. She is his direct descendant, it is her duty and right to stop this from happening. She takes over Helix on here 19th birthday as her father wished, but no one believes she can do the job. She was kept from training in Helix, but that doesn't mean she didn't train, now she has to show them that. She has to finally let someone know who she really is, the parts of her she hides will be her greatest strength when she embraces them all. lucky for her the right person just came into her life. what is the strange feeling she gets from her lover's brother, what is it he's hiding? With new knowledge of her past, the possibility of strong allies, and a new found love. Can she keep humans from knowing about her kind, while fighting a war in plain cite? Can she find the true potential she holds, can she become the saver her father new she could be, come find out with me.
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